December 31, 2012

Android Growth

By the end of 2012, almost half a billion Android devices were already in use around the world as Samsung (driven by the success of the Android based Galaxy Note hybrid) overtook Nokia as a handset manufacturer. 

Advertisers targeting Android users (particularly in Europe) may want to consider the following distribution across the BuzzCity network. 

December 28, 2012

The Crystal Ball – Looking Back

By Hisham Isa, Vice President (Marketing)

For the mobile industry, 2012 is the year that the Smartphone took centre stage, a time when mobile commerce came of age in many markets and when developers worked hard to overcome the platform and hardware fragmentation that has come to define our industry.

Yes, this is the time of year when writers and businesses take stock of the current environment and make predictions about the year ahead.

First, though, I'd like to take a look back at BuzzCity's predictions for 2012 and see how we fared. Seems only fair.

December 12, 2012

Planning Your Campaign Deployment

In our last blog post, it has become clear that mobile shopping is on the rise. This naturally creates a significant opportunity for advertisers and marketers, highlighting again that mobile can no longer be ignored as one of the top consumer channels of choice.  We simply cannot disregard the impact mobile is having on consumer spending trends. 

December 05, 2012

Last Minute Shopping

By Hisham Isa, Vice President (Marketing)

Are you a last minute Christmas shopper? You're not alone. In the US, for example, the ten days before Christmas account for nearly a quarter of all retail sales. In India, the “Great Online Shopping Festival” (translation: India's Cyber Monday) will take place on Wednesday 12 December. And in the UK, Christmas shopping is expected to peak the weekend of 22-23 December.

BuzzCity's latest research meanwhile shows that the vast majority of consumers who leave shopping to the eleventh hour are more likely to purchase their gifts via mobile.

What this means for merchants is simple: you still have time to adjust your campaign tactics.